At Boots4, we believe there is a way where customers are earned rather than bought. We're obsessively passionate about it, and our mission is to help you achieve it.
Boots4 was founded by ThemeWagon Team in 1896. It was called the world's first bootstrap four template, and started as a Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsam illo, magni aut recusandae perspiciatis quam
sed eveniet, debitis tempore natus corrupti nostrum deserunt, harum in dolor dolorem sit voluptatum iusto. recusandae perspiciatis quam sed eveniet, debitis tempore natus corrupti nostrum recusandae perspiciatis quam sed eveniet,
debitis tempore.
Bootst4 is a first Bootstrap 4 premium template. It is published in 1896 by talented Boots4 Team. It is also called most popular Bootsrap template in the world. The unique layout and clean design are the main reason of its populairity.
At first Boots4 was published and get the top popularity among the web designer all over the world. After this version 2 is published and keep its popularity. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Atque eligendi,
nostrum sint, quis inventore molestiae porro sit aut unde accusantium neque earum dolor exercitationem architecto repellendus nobis aspernatur sapiente dolores? Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur
ratione laudantium accusamus, quibusdam odio ipsam blanditiis doloribus eius in delectus, corrupti mollitia vel nam! Aperiam doloremque dolore dicta quod ipsam!
Why should I use Boots4?
There are many reason to use Boots4 Template. Unique layout design, smooth animation and clean ui design are the most important features of Boots4 Bootsrap Template.
How to get Boots4?
You can get Boots4 template from ThemeWagon. Where you also get quality free and premium templates
A template site may be the most convenient way to buy a template. Buying a template from a private owner allows you to assess the pedigree and upbringing of your template before choosing to take it home. Lastly, finding your
template from a shelter, helps give a good home to a template which may not find one so readily.
What are the features of Boots4?
There are many features in Boots4 Template. Unique layout design, smooth animation and clean ui design are the most important features of Boots4 Bootsrap Template.
Write ten sentences about Boots4.
There are many features in Boots4 Template. Unique layout design, smooth animation and clean ui design are the most important features of Boots4 Bootsrap Template.
What are the differences between Boots4 v2 and v3?
There are many features in Boots4 Template. Unique layout design, smooth animation and clean ui design are the most important features of Boots4 Bootsrap Template.
Get In Touch
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We help global leaders with their organization's most critical issues and opportunities.
Looking to start your project quickly? Just unzip the We have precompiled and packaged everything in the pages directory for you. Start editing the pages/nav-four-item-two-column.html with a text or code editor, save it, and open the file in your favourite browser to see the changes.
Unzip the to any folder and open a command line or terminal at that location. Boots4's dev tools require
Node and
Git . If you do not have them in your machine, please install their latest stable version from their corresponding website. As you have Node and Git installed and accessible from your terminal or command line,
Gulp CLI package globally with the following command:
npm i gulp-cli -g
When you’re done, install the rest of the Boots4's dependencies with:
npm i
Now run:
Running gulp will compile the SCSS, transpile the javascript, copy all required libraries form node_modules to the corresponding pages/assets/ directory and will open a browser window to pages/index.html
All of the following folders are monitored for changes, which will tell the browser to reload automatically after any changes are made:
Within your Boots4 you’ll find the following directories and files, grouping common resources and providing both compiled, transpiled and minified distribution files, as well as raw source files.
Compiles scss/theme.scss and generates theme.css and to the pages/assets/css/ directory.
Concat the js files from js/bootstrap/ and transpiles with babel to bootstrap.js, bootstrap.min.js to the pages/assets/js/ directory.
Concat the js files from js/boots4/ and transpiles with babel to theme.js, theme.min.js to the pages/assets/js/ directory.
Concat the js files according to the Paths.JS.PLUGINS array declared in gulpfile.js and transpiles with babel to plugins.js and plugins.min.js to the pages/assets/js/ directory.
Run the following tasks parallelly:
Copies the dependencies from node_modules/ directory to pages/assets/ directory according to the Paths.DEPENDENCIES object declared in gulpfile.js.
All of the following folders are monitored for changes, which will tell the browser to reload automatically after any changes are made:
To add/replace a new page in Boots4 v3.1.1 you should set a unique id to .page element and also assign it to data-content attribute of .sidebar-item-wrapper for navigating this
page from sidebar nav. For example, if we want to add feature page in nav-four-item-two-column.html the following code need to set inside #gridNav
<div class="position-relative w-lg-50 position-lg-fixed four-item-two-column" id="gridNav">
<div class="row minh-lg-100">
<!-- Other nav item-->
<!-- Other nav item-->
<!-- Other nav item-->
<!-- Feature nav item-->
<div class="col-6 minh-25vh h-lg-50vh sidebar-item-wrapper py-5" data-content="feature">
<div class="bg-holder" style="background-image:url(assets/img/navigation/feature.jpg);"></div>
<!-- Nav item content-->
<div class="sidebar-item">
<img class="mb-2 mb-lg-3 nav-icon" src="assets/img/lineicons/your-icon.svg" alt="" />
<h2 class="font-weight-light text-white fs-1 fs-xl-3">Feature</h2>
Now four-item-two-column.html page structure will look like this
Adding a new plugin to your Boots4 is simple. You Here are two ways you can do that.
Simple approach
Place your new plugin in pages/assets/lib folder. Eg: to add the lightbox.js plugin, we will download it from
here, unzip it and place the lightbox2 folder in pages/assets/lib folder.
Using NPM
Suppose we are installing the lightbox.js plugin. Here are the steps:
Step 1:
npm install lightbox2 -S
Step 2:
In your gulpfile.js, add the plugin at the end of the Paths.DEPENDENCIES variable. eg:
Here, JS refers to pages/assets/js and lib refers to pages/assets/lib, where gulp will copy files from the lightbox.js plugin. We use the JS folder when
we need only the js files from the plugin. Otherwise, we use the lib folder for plugins like owl.carousel
<div class="ui styled fluid accordion mt-4 border-0" data-options='{"exclusive":false}'>
<h5 class="title active"><span class="fas fa-plus mr-1 text-800" data-fa-transform="shrink-6 down-1.5"></span> What is Boots4?</h5>
<div class="content pl-5 active">
<p>Bootst4 is a first Bootstrap 4 premium template. It is published in 1896 by talented Boots4 Team.</p>
<h5 class="title"><span class="fas fa-plus mr-1 text-800" data-fa-transform="shrink-6 down-1.5"></span>
<div class="d-inline-block mb-0">Why should I use Boots4?</div>
<div class="content pl-5">
<p>There are many reason to use Boots4 Template. Unique layout design, smooth animation and clean ui design are the most important features of Boots4 Bootsrap Template.</p>
Boots4 has a built-in universal php-ajax form that can grab dynamic amounts of inputs and send it to any given email address. To make the form work, simply add the class .zform like <form class="zform">.
You can also specify where to send the data via an hidden input: