
All modular elements can be readily used and customized in every layout across pages.

Tooltip title

A nice description about your place
Customize it as you want.

<div class="googlemap" data-gmap="data-gmap" data-latlng="41.8333925,-88.0123393" data-scrollwheel="false" data-icon="../assets/images/hotel-icon.png" data-zoom="15" data-theme="Default" style="min-height:300px">
  <div class="marker-content py-3">
    <h5>Tooltip title</h5>
    <p>A nice description about your place<br /> Customize it as you want.</p>
<script src="" async="async"></script>
Get your API key
Map color schemes

Change the value of data-theme='' to any of the followings

  • Default
  • Gray
  • Midnight
  • Hopper
  • Beard
  • AssassianCreed
  • SubtleGray
  • Tripitty

With SubtleGray scheme

Tooltip title

A nice description about your place
Customize it as you want.

<div class="googlemap" data-gmap="data-gmap" data-latlng="41.8333925,-88.0123393" data-scrollwheel="false" data-icon="../assets/images/hotel-icon.png" data-zoom="15" data-theme="SubtleGray" style="min-height:300px">
  <div class="marker-content py-3">
    <h5>Tooltip title</h5>
    <p>A nice description about your place<br /> Customize it as you want.</p>