Documentation (8)

👌 Drag cards to any list and place anywhere in the list

👇 Click cards to see the detail of the cards or edit them

Click "Add Another Card" at the bottom of the list for a new card

Hovering on the cards will reveal meatball (...) button, click that for more options

At the top of the board, click ⭐ to pin this board to your favorites

🙋 Add members to the board by clicking + Invite at the top of the board

📃 Add more lists to this board by clicking + Add Another List

Click the meatball (...) button at the top of any list for more options

Add a cookie notice, which will be shown at the bottom of the page and has a link of "Privacy Policy"

Add a pdf file that describes all the symptoms of COVID-19


Make a Registration form that includes Name, Email, and a Password input field


Update profile page layout with cover image and user setting menu


Update all the npm packages and also remove the outdated plugins


Add a getting started page that allows users to see the starting process

Review and test all the task and deploy to the server


Get all the data by API call and show them to the landing page by adding a new section

Add a new illustration to the landing page according to the contrast of the current theme


Design a new E-commerce, Product list, and details page

Make a weather app design which must have: Local weather, Weather map and weather widgets


List all the Frequently Asked Questions and make an FAQ section in the landing page

Remove all the warning from dev dependencies and update the packages if needed