Michael Giacchino
Last Online: 3 hours ago
Joined: 2021/01/12 23:13
Email: goodguy@nicemail.com Verified
Mobile No: +012-345-67890 2-step verification


5.1% last month
Time on Site

121h 11m

3.6% last month
Assignment Scores
Individual results
10 Courses
this week2.1%
16 Courses
this week5.1%
12 Courses
this week0.0%
2 Courses
this week3.5%
Payment Methods
**** **** **** 9876
Michael Giacchino
Type: Mastercard debit card
Name: Michael Giacchino
Expires: DEC 2026
Issuer: Falcon Finances
ID: card_3d1avx3zcafd62
VerifiedNon Billable
Payment History
Course Invoice no. Date Amount Payment Status
Course#123232 #FA613145 01/10/21 $39.99 Pending
Course#147832 #LC014357 12/12/21 $19.99 Successful
Course#965473 #FC657916 23/08/21 $35.99 Pending
Course#854763 #TN654236 09/04/21 $20.99 Denied
Course#232645 #ON820965 03/09/21 $45.49 Successful
Course#232471 #TN755429 31/12/21 $99.95 Denied
Course#232558 #TN789426 31/12/21 $55.95 Pending
Billing Address
Excellent Street
987, Apartment 6, Excellent Street, Good Area, Clean City 5434, Canada
Name: Michael Giacchino
Address: 987, Apartment 6, Excellent Street, Good Area, Clean City 5434, Canada.
Email: goodguy@nicemail.com
Mobile No: +1-202-555-0110
SMS Invoice: On
Recent Activities
3h ago
Logged out

Logged out from cart screen

3h ago
Added course#123456 to cart

Added course to cart, Did not pay, Left cart

3h ago
Downloaded Materials of #121212

3 pdf files were downloaded, learner completed 75%

5h ago
Sent a direct mail to Tra_bil37a8

Tra_bil37a8 is trainer of course#121212

5h ago
Submitted assignment no.3

Assignment of course#121212 was due yesterday.

Course Status
  • Completed Courses2.1%

    13 Courses

  • Dropped Courses3.5%

    10 Courses

  • Refund Claimed0.00%

    7 Courses

  • On-going Courses5.1%

    20 Courses

Browsing New Courses

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