Pie chart
<!-- Find the JS file for the following chart at: src/js/charts/echarts/examples/pie-chart.js-->
<!-- If you are not using gulp based workflow, you can find the transpiled code at: public/assets/js/echarts-example.js-->
<div class="echart-pie-chart-example" style="min-height:320px"></div>
Doughnut chart
<!-- Find the JS file for the following chart at: src/js/charts/echarts/examples/doughnut-chart.js-->
<!-- If you are not using gulp based workflow, you can find the transpiled code at: public/assets/js/echarts-example.js-->
<div class="echart-doughnut-chart-example" style="min-height:320px"></div>
Doughnut rounded chart
<!-- Find the JS file for the following chart at: src/js/charts/echarts/examples/doughnut-rounded-chart.js-->
<!-- If you are not using gulp based workflow, you can find the transpiled code at: public/assets/js/echarts-example.js-->
<div class="echart-doughnut-rounded-chart-example" style="min-height:320px"></div>
Pie multiple chart
<!-- Find the JS file for the following chart at: src/js/charts/echarts/examples/pie-multiple-chart.js-->
<!-- If you are not using gulp based workflow, you can find the transpiled code at: public/assets/js/echarts-example.js-->
<div class="echart-pie-multiple-chart-example" style="min-height:320px"></div>
Pie label align chart
<!-- Find the JS file for the following chart at: src/js/charts/echarts/examples/pie-label-align-chart.js-->
<!-- If you are not using gulp based workflow, you can find the transpiled code at: public/assets/js/echarts-example.js-->
<div class="echart-pie-label-align-chart-example" style="min-height:320px"></div>
Pie edge align chart
<!-- Find the JS file for the following chart at: src/js/charts/echarts/examples/pie-edge-align-chart.js-->
<!-- If you are not using gulp based workflow, you can find the transpiled code at: public/assets/js/echarts-example.js-->
<div class="echart-pie-edge-align-chart-example" style="min-height:320px"></div>