
v1.19.0 - Aion

06 August, 2024

  • PAGE : public/apps/gallery/album.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/gallery/gallery-column.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/gallery/gallery-grid.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/gallery/grid-with-title.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/gallery/gallery-masonry.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/gallery/gallery-slider.html
  • Change Friday and Saturday's holidays to Saturday and Sunday in the calendar
  • Fix Query parameter removal issue
  • Advance table tooltip
  • Other minor issues
v1.18.1 - Hera

30 June, 2024

  • Removed
v1.18.0 - Aether

10 June, 2024

  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/trip/homepage.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/trip/trip-details.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/trip/checkout.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/hotel/customer/gallery.html
  • JS : src/js/theme/password-toggle.js
  • JS : src/js/theme/play-on-hover.js
v1.17.0 - Apollo

07 May, 2024

  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/flight/homepage.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/flight/booking.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/flight/payment.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/typed-text.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/advance/range.html
  • All dependencies have been upgraded to the latest version
  • Removed all the scripts from demo layout pages
  • Dropzone single image upload style
  • Added floating label support for advance select
  • Echart tooltip z-index issue
  • Accordion button color fix
  • Active table style
  • Other minor design & typo issues
v1.16.0 - Helios

08 April, 2024

  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/hotel/admin/add-room.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/hotel/admin/room-search.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/hotel/customer/homepage.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/hotel/customer/hotel-details.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/hotel/customer/hotel-compare.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/hotel/customer/checkout.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/hotel/customer/payment.html
  • JS : src/js/theme/collapse-all.js
  • Removed scripts and other navbars from layout pages.
  • Other minor bugs
v1.15.0 - Eurus

12 February, 2024

  • PAGE : public/dashboard/travel-agency.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/landing.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/hotel/admin/add-property.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/travel-agency/hotel/admin/room-listing.html
  • JS : src/js/theme/mapbox.js
  • JS : src/js/theme/flight-map.js
  • JS : src/js/theme/typed.js
  • JS :src/js/theme/nouislider.js
  • JS :src/js/theme/price-tier-form.js
  • Utility classes
    • Link
      • link-body
      • link-body-secondary
      • link-body-highlight
      • link-body-quaternary
      • link-body-tertiary
  • Phoenix button disabled issue
  • Vertical navbar collapse issue
  • Horizontal navbar issue on icon hover
  • Other minor bugs
v1.14.0 - Elpis

7 Dec, 2023

  • New theme color shades
  • DOC: Color see documentation
  • Utility classes
    • Text
      • text-body-highlight
      • text-body-quaternary
      • text-body-hover
      • text-body-secondary-hover
      • text-body-tertiary-hover
      • text-body-quaternary-hover
      • text-body-highlight-hover
      • text-{themeColor}-light
      • text-{themeColor}-lighter
      • text-{themeColor}-dark
      • text-{themeColor}-darker
    • dark__bg-opacity-{0|25|50|75|85|100}
    • Background
      • bg-body-emphasis
      • bg-body-quaternary
      • bg-body-highlight
      • bg-body-hover
      • bg-body-secondary-hover
      • bg-body-tertiary-hover
      • bg-body-quaternary-hover
      • bg-{themeColor}-light
      • bg-{themeColor}-lighter
      • bg-{themeColor}-dark
      • bg-{themeColor}-darker
    • Border
      • border-translucent
      • border-{themeColor}-light
      • border-{themeColor}-dark
    • Font size
      • Replaced.fs--3 with.fs-11
      • Replaced.fs--2 with .fs-10
      • Replaced.fs–1 with fs-9
      • Replaced .fs-0 with .fs-8
      • Replaced .fs-1 with .fs-7
      • Replaced .fs-2 with .fs-6
      • Replaced .fs-3 with .fs-5
      • Replaced .fs-4 with .fs-4
      • Replaced .fs-5 with .fs-3
      • Replaced .fs-6 with .fs-2
      • Replaced .fs-7 with .fs-1
  • Bootstrap to 5.3.2
  • All SCSS files are updated
  • Almost all JS files are updated
  • DOC: Styling see documentation
  • DOC: Dark Mode see documentation
  • HTML: bg-soft-{color} to bg-{color}-subtle
  • HTML: z-index-{values} to z-{values}
  • HTML: text-none class to text-transform-none
  • HTML: {text/bg}-gray-{100-1100} classes replaced with {text/bg}-body-{color}
  • HTML: text-{themeColor}-{variant} classes replaced with text-{themeColor}-light/lighter/dark/darker classes
  • HTML: bg-{themeColor}-{variant} classes replaced with bg-{themeColor}-light/lighter/dark/darker classes
v1.13.0 - Auxo

18 June, 2023

  • PAGE : public/pages/faq/faq-tab.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/errors/403.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/simple/2FA.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/split/2FA.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/card/2FA.html
  • JS : src/js/theme/faq-tab.js
  • JS : src/js/theme/2fa-verification.js
  • JS : src/js/theme/sortable.js
  • JS :src/js/theme/kanban.js
  • DOC : public/modules/components/sortable.html
  • Added text-decoration-underline at links.
  • JS :src/js/theme/calendar/app-calendar.js
  • Advance table issue fixed
  • Other minor bugs
v1.12.0 - Notus

15 May, 2023

  • PAGE : public/apps/kanban/boards.html
  • PAGE : public/widgets.html
  • FEATURE : Double top navigation
  • FEATURE : Popover added in all avatar
  • FEATURE : Bootstrap validation added of each advanced input fields
  • JS : src/js/theme/create-board.js
  • JS : src/js/theme/advance-ajax-table.js
  • PAGE : public/apps/kanban/create-kanban-board.html
  • DOC : public/documentation/layouts/vertical-navbar.html
  • DOC : public/modules/tables/advance-tables.html
  • DOC : public/modules/forms/advance/advance-select.html
  • DOC : public/modules/forms/advance/date-picker.html
  • JS : src/js/theme/wizard.js
  • SCSS !default issue fixed
  • Page scroll issue fixed after navbar vertical collapsed
v1.11.0 - Artemis

03 Apr, 2023

  • PAGE : public/apps/crm/deals.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/crm/reports-details.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/kanban/kanban.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/kanban/create-kanban-board.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/echarts/line-charts.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/echarts/bar-charts.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/echarts/candlestick-charts.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/echarts/geo-map.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/echarts/scatter-charts.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/echarts/pie-charts.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/echarts/gauge-chart.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/echarts/radar-charts.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/echarts/heatmap-charts.html
  • DOC : public/modules/echarts/how-to-use.html
  • DOC : public/modules/utilities/stacks.html
  • DOC : public/modules/utilities/grid.html
  • DOC : public/documentation/customization/configuration.html
  • DOC : public/documentation/customization/dark-mode.html
  • PLUGIN : Sortablejs
  • JS : src/js/theme/randomColor.js
  • JS : src/js/theme/copyLink.js
  • DOC : public/modules/tables/advance-tables.html
v1.10.0 - Hephaestus

5 Mar, 2023

  • PAGE : public/apps/crm/deal-details.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/crm/analytics.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/advance/emoji-button.html
  • FEATURE : Chat Demo (floating widget)
  • FEATURE : Emoji button (picmo) dark mode version added
  • Topnav dropdown spacing issue
  • Modal body scrolling issue
  • Other minor bugs
v1.9.0 - Persephone

5 Feb, 2023

  • PAGE : public/dashboard/crm.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/crm/leads.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/crm/lead-details.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/crm/reports.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/crm/add-contact.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/landing/alternate.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/card/sign-in.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/card/sign-up.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/card/sign-out.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/card/forgot-password.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/card/reset-password.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/card/lock-screen.html
  • Feature : Horizontal Navbar new design (dropdown on hover)
  • Feature : Bulk select implemented on table
  • Other minor bugs
v1.8.0 - Boreas

10 Jan, 2023

  • PAGE : public/pages/pages/timeline.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/tables/bulk-select.html
  • Feature : Bulk Select
  • Feature : Search-box added in top navbar
  • Email page issues in slim and combo layout.
  • Chat page issues in slim and combo layout.
  • Other minor bugs
v1.7.0 - Cronus

14 Dec, 2022

  • Feature : RTL
  • Feature : Combo Navbar
  • Feature : Combo Navbar Slim
  • PAGE : public/apps/calendar.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/chat.html
  • PAGE : public/demo/combo-nav.html
  • PAGE : public/demo/combo-nav-slim.html
  • DOC: public/documentation/layouts/combo-navbar.html
  • DOC: public/modules/components/calendar.html
  • PLUGIN: FullCalendar
v1.6.0 - Erebus

22 Nov, 2022

  • Feature : Dark Mode
  • Feature : Slim Navbar
  • Feature : Collapsed Navbar
  • Feature : Dark Navbar
v1.5.0 - Ares

10 Oct, 2022

  • PAGE : public/apps/email/inbox.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/email/email-detail.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/email/compose.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/social/feed.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/events/create-an-event.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/events/event-detail.html
v1.4.0 - Zeus

15 Sept, 2022

  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/landing/order-tracking.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/project-management/project-board-view.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/project-management/project-details.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/pages/pricing/pricing-grid.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/wizard.html
  • PAGE : public/landing.html
v1.3.0 - Gorgon

25 Aug, 2022

  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/landing/products-filter.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/admin/refund.html
  • PAGE : publicapps/e-commerce/landing/wishlist.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/landing/invoice.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/project-management/project-list-view.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/project-management/project-card-view.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/project-management/todo-list.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/project-management/create-new.html
  • SCSS : src/scss/theme/plugins/_google-map.scss
  • JS : src/js/theme/product-filter.js
v1.2.0 - Demetra

2 Aug, 2022

  • PAGE : public/apps/project-management.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/admin/add-product.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/admin/customer-details.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/admin/customers.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/landing/order-details.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/homepage.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/cart.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/checkout.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/product-details.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/carousel/bootstrap.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/carousel/swiper.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/navs-and-tabs/navbar.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/navs-and-tabs/navs.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/navs-and-tabs/tabs.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/accordion.html
  • PAGE public/modules/components/alerts.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/avatar.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/badge.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/breadcrumb.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/button.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/card.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/collapse.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/dropdown.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/index.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/list-group.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/modal.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/offcanvas.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/pagination.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/placeholder.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/popovers.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/progress-bar.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/progress.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/progress-bar.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/scrollspy.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/spinners.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/tooltips.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/advance/advance-select.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/advance/date-picker.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/advance/editor.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/advance/file-uploader.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/advance/rating.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/basic/floating-labels.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/basic/input-group.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/basic/layout.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/basic/range.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/basic/select.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/forms/validation.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/icons/feather.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/icons/font-awesome.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/icons/unicons.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/tables/advance-tables.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/tables/basic-tables.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/background.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/borders.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/colors.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/display.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/flex.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/float.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/interactions.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/opacity.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/overflow.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/position.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/shadows.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/sizing.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/spacing.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/typography.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/vertical-align.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/utilities/visibility.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/simple/forgot-password.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/simple/lock-screen.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/simple/reset-password.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/simple/sign-in.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/authentication/simple/sign-up.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/errors/404.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/errors/500.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/pages/members.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/starter.html
v1.1.0 - Hermes

17 April, 2022

  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/orders.html
  • PAGE : public/apps/e-commerce/products.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/pages/faq-accordion.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/pages/pricing.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/pages/notifications.html
  • PAGE : public/pages/pages/pricing.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/navs-and-tabs/navbar.html
  • PAGE : public/modules/components/navs-and-tabs/tabs.html
  • JS : src/scripts/theme/list.js
  • JS : webpack/webpack.config.js
  • SCSS : src/scss/theme/_badges.scss
  • SCSS : src/scss/theme/_mixed.scss
  • SCSS : src/scss/theme/_colors.scss
  • SCSS : src/scss/theme/_nav-tab.scss
  • SCSS : src/scss/theme/_pagination.scss
  • SCSS : src/scss/theme/_reboot.scss
  • SCSS : src/scss/theme/_search-box.scss
  • SCSS : src/scss/theme/_table.scss
  • SCSS : src/scss/theme/_variables.scss
  • SCSS : src/scss/theme/plugins/_list.scss
  • SCSS : src/scss/theme/root/_light.scss
  • JSON : package.json
  • Minor issues
v1.0.1 - Theseus

30 March, 2022

  • Minor issues
v1.0.0 - Initial Release

24 March, 2022

Nothing to see here.

Thank you for creating with Phoenix|
2024 ©Themewagon


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