Dual Nav

Dual Nav is a different horizontal layout system in Phoenix.

Dual nav example

Dual Nav structure

<p class="mb-0">Add <code>[data-navigation-type="dual"]</code>attribute in <code>Html </code>element to start with dual nav.</p><pre class="scrollbar my-5"><code class="language-html">&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
&lt;html data-navigation-type=&quot;dual&quot;&gt;


      &lt;div class=&quot;container-fluid&quot;&gt;
        &lt;nav class=&quot;navbar navbar-top fixed-top navbar-expand-lg&quot;&gt;
          &lt;!-- navbar dual content goes here--&gt;
        &lt;div class=&quot;content&quot;&gt;
          &lt;!--  content goes here--&gt;


Add [data-navigation-type="dual"]attribute in Html element to start with dual nav.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html data-navigation-type="dual">


      <div class="container-fluid">
        <nav class="navbar navbar-top fixed-top navbar-expand-lg">
          <!-- navbar dual content goes here-->
        <div class="content">
          <!--  content goes here-->


Responsive behavior

<p class="mb-0">Phoenix used the Bootstrap's <code>.navbar-expand{-sm|-md|-lg|-xl|-xxl} </code> classes in <code>.navbar-top </code>element to decide when the navbar top will expand or not.</p><pre class="scrollbar mt-5"><code class="language-html">&lt;nav class=&quot;navbar navbar-top fixed-top navbar-expand-lg&quot;&gt;&lt;/nav&gt;</code></pre>

Phoenix used the Bootstrap's .navbar-expand{-sm|-md|-lg|-xl|-xxl} classes in .navbar-top element to decide when the navbar top will expand or not.

<nav class="navbar navbar-top fixed-top navbar-expand-lg"></nav>

Dual Nav appearance

<p>You can control top nav style of vertical navbar between defaults and darker.</p>
<p class="mb-0">From your project directory, If you are using gulp version open <code>src/js/config.js </code>or if you are using directly from the public folder open <code>public/assets/js/theme.js </code>and set <code>phoenixNavbarTopStyle: darker </code>of <code>CONFIG </code>object to collapse the Vertical Navigation by default</p><pre class="scrollbar my-5"><code class="lang-html">const CONFIG = {
  phoenixNavbarTopStyle: 'default' || 'darker',
<p class="mb-0">Or to change navbar top color add <code>data-navbar-appearance="darker" </code>attribute in navber-top </p><pre class="scrollbar mt-3"><code class="language-html">&lt;nav class=&quot;navbar navbar-top&quot; data-navbar-appearance=&quot;darker&quot;&gt;&lt;/nav&gt;</code></pre>

You can control top nav style of vertical navbar between defaults and darker.

From your project directory, If you are using gulp version open src/js/config.js or if you are using directly from the public folder open public/assets/js/theme.js and set phoenixNavbarTopStyle: darker of CONFIG object to collapse the Vertical Navigation by default

const CONFIG = {
  phoenixNavbarTopStyle: 'default' || 'darker',

Or to change navbar top color add data-navbar-appearance="darker" attribute in navber-top

<nav class="navbar navbar-top" data-navbar-appearance="darker"></nav>

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2024 ©Themewagon


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Navigation Type
Vertical Navbar Appearance
Horizontal Navbar Shape
Horizontal Navbar Appearance
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