File structure

Modular grouping to work intuitively

Within your Sparrow you’ll find the following directories and files, grouping common resources and providing both compiled, transpiled and minified distribution files, as well as raw source files.

    ├── js/
    |   ├── bootstrap/
    |   ├── sparrow/
    |   └── plugins/
    ├── pages/
    |   ├── assets/
    |   ├── components/
    |   ├── documentation/
    |   ├── index.html
    |   ├── home-bicycle.html
    |   ├── home-bigcartel.html
    |   ├── home-cafe.html
    |   ├── home-default.html
    |   ├── home-digital.html
    |   ├── home-ecommerce.html
    |   ├── home-event.html
    |   ├── home-interior.html
    |   ├── home-landing.html
    |   ├── home-software.html
    |   ├── home-studio.html
    |   ├── page-404.html
    |   ├── page-about.html
    |   ├── page-blog.html
    |   ├── page-cart.html
    |   ├── page-casestudy.html
    |   ├── page-coming-soon.html
    |   ├── page-contact.html
    |   ├── page-one-page.html
    |   ├── page-portfolio.html
    |   ├── page-profile.html
    |   ├── page-rtl.html
    |   ├── page-services.html
    |   ├── page-shop.html
    |   ├── page-signin.html
    |   ├── page-signup.html
    |   ├── page-single-blog.html
    |   ├── page-single-product.html
    |   ├── page-split-static.html
    |   ├── page-split-youtube.html
    |   └── page-starter.html
    ├── scss/
    |   ├── bootstrap/
    |   ├── sparrow/
    |   ├── _user.scss
    |   ├── _user-variables.scss
    |   └── theme.scss
    ├── .eslintrc.json
    ├── .gitignore
    ├── gulpfile.js
    └── package.json