The gulp
command will build, serve and watch the project with the following gulp tasks:
Task | Action |
clean |
Delete the following directories:
style |
Compiles scss/theme.scss and generates theme.css, theme.min.css, theme-rlt.css, theme-rtl.min.css and,,, to the public/assets/css/ directory. |
script |
Concat the js files from src/js/ and transpiles with babel to theme.js , theme.min.js to the public/assets/js/ directory. |
compile:all |
Compiles all the js, scss, pug files from the src directory. |
vendor |
Runs vendor:clean and vendor:move in series. |
vendor:clean |
Delete the vendors from public/vendors directory which are included in vendors.json . |
vendor:move |
Copies the vendors from node_modules/ directory to public/vendors directory according to the vendors.json . |
watch |
All of the following folders are monitored for changes, which will tell the browser to reload automatically after any changes are made:
build |
Will delete previous build directory and generate a new compressed version to deploy
build:test |
Will run the build version in port:3000 |