
Toggle floats on any element, across any breakpoint, using our responsive float utilities

Float on Bootstrap

These utility classes float an element to the left or right, or disable floating, based on the current viewport size using the CSS float property. !important is included to avoid specificity issues. These use the same viewport breakpoints as our grid system. Please be aware float utilities have no effect on flex items.

Float left on all viewport sizes

Float right on all viewport sizes

Don't float on all viewport sizes
<div class="float-start">Float left on all viewport sizes</div><br />
<div class="float-end">Float right on all viewport sizes</div><br />
<div class="float-none">Don't float on all viewport sizes</div>

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2024 © Themewagon



Set your own customized style

Color Scheme

Choose the perfect color mode for your app.

RTL Mode

Switch your language direction

RTL Documentation

Fluid Layout

Toggle container layout system

Fluid Documentation

Navigation Position

Select a suitable navigation system for your web application

Vertical Navbar Style

Switch between styles for your vertical navbar

See Documentation

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